Georgia Salamat

The Perfect Picnic

Georgia Salamat
The Perfect Picnic

The Perfect Picnic

Summer is here, which means alfresco dining and park picnics. There is something so idyllic about picnics, whether you are sharing them with a boyfriend, family or friends - its memories which will be cherished forever. I’m not talking about nipping to the shop and getting a box of cocktail sausages and a pot of hummus, I’m talking wicker basket, checked blanket and deliciously prepared food.

Ever heard of a good picnic without a scotch egg or a sausage roll?… Yer me neither! Hence why they HAVE to be on the list of ‘must-haves’ in your picnic basket. Simple salads, delicious snacks, and copious amounts of pastry are what all picnics call for.

Deciding what food you are going to prepare for your picnic isn’t something to be thought of lightly. You want to make sure that not only do your dishes or snacks go together and of course, taste utterly delicious, but also that they will travel well. There is nothing worse than arriving at your destination to find you have a soggy salad.

Here are a few of my favourite recipes which will spruce up any park picnic.

Courgette and Pesto Pasta Salad

A pasta salad is of course an essential - this recipe really ticks all the boxes. The sautéed greens not only providing an extra flavour and texture, but also a lovely pop of colour. The pesto is made with roasted almonds which gives the most amazing intense nutty flavour which works so well with the freshness of the peas. This pesto is not vegan, however feel free to leave out the cheese and substitute it for a couple of tsp of nutritional yeast which will just give it that cheesy flavour.



Tomato Tart

Tarts are so simple to make, and I feel like we should absolutely make the most of that. You can really play around with whatever ingredients you fancy too, the variations are endless; caramelised onion, courgette, asparagus and wild garlic, leek, prosciutto and mozzarella - you really can go mad!

I chose to use tomatoes as they are tasting so delicious at the minute. Using different colours just adds that little extra something - the perfect summer addition to your go-to meals. Serve with a simple green salad or some pan-fried asparagus.


Sweet and Smokey Scotch Egg

One of the most satisfying things in life is cutting into a scotch egg to reveal a perfectly cooked yolk. This flavour combination is a little different to your traditional scotch egg, the smokiness of the paprika works amazing with the sweetness of the honey and the creaminess of the egg yolk. Pair this with a harissa ketchup  or chipotle mayo and it’s an absolute game changer!


Sausage Roll

So if the scotch egg isn’t for you, or even if it is for you and you fancy another sausage based snack - because lets face it, why wouldn’t you? Then a sausage roll is always the answer. Buttery, flakey pastry, filled with beautifully spiced sausage meat with a hint of sweetness from the caramelised onion, I really don’t think anything could sound better.

So easy to make and a great thing to get the kids involved in too!

sausage roll 2.JPG