Georgia Salamat

Pasta-tively and Utterly Delicious

Georgia Salamat
Pasta-tively and Utterly Delicious

Pasta La Vista Baby

If someone asks you what your favourite food is, and pasta isn't one of the first thing that pops into your head, then firstly you're lying…..or secondly, you're probably lying. Pasta is one of those beautiful things that is not only fun and easy to make, but it can be as simple or as complicated as you like. No matter how you serve it, it's just simply delicious!

Pasta also caters for everyone, the meat-eaters, the vegans, the gluten and dairy-free - no one needs to, or for that matter 'should' avoid it! When I used to model, I was super strict with my diet and unnecessarily cut out so many things. It's only within the last couple of years where I have become a lot more relaxed with what I eat, and I am so much happier for it. If I want a big bowl of pasta, then that's exactly what I am having. There is literally no reason to cut things out completely. Of course, I'm not saying to have pasta for every meal, but I'm also saying not to let certain foods scare you. Life is too short not to have that glass of wine, or avoid that certain dish!

Making pasta dough is so easy and incredibly therapeutic - if you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend it. You don't need to send a fortune on a pasta machine; I got mine for about £25 on amazon - the simpler, the better with these kinds of things. Of course, you can also buy amazing quality fresh pasta too. I would always recommend you cook with fresh pasta, rather than dried, as it delivers a better taste and texture.

Here are a few of my favourite recipes which are pasta-tively and utterly delicious, I can't wait to hear what you think.

Spinach Ravioli Stuffed with Truffle Ricotta and an Egg Yolk.

This really is one of those dishes you look at and just go wow - it looks so impressive and the taste really does emulate this. The spinach in the dough gives it a beautiful vibrate green, which contrasts the orange of the yolk.

I first tried a dish similar to this a couple years ago and I finally got round to recreating it. I have got to say, its an absolute show stopper. If you aren’t a fan of truffle you can of course leave that out and it will still be jut as impressive and delicious.

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Duck Ragù

This is a pasta dish which really is worth the wait. The most tender duck which is accompanied by a deep and rich sauce with so many levels of flavours. Umami paste is something I’ve been playing around with and I’ve found adding it to tomato based sauces works so perfectly and gives the most incredible and powerful flavour.

Duck Ragù is something that would always catch my eye on a menu, but I had never tried to recreate it at home. After testing out the recipes numerous times - I think I’ve definitely ‘quacked’ it!

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Crab Linguini

If slow cooking isn’t your thing, then this is the recipe for you - it is ready in literally a matter of minutes. Crab is such a beautiful, delicate ingredient and deserves to be served only in the best way.

This really is the perfect summer pasta dish - it’s super light, fresh and perfectly pairs with an ice chilled glass of Meursault les Vireuils Domaine Prunier (if you haven’t tried this wine, order a bottle asap - it’s life changing!)

If you are looking for a great place to order your fish from, then I absolutely coudnt’t recommend Woods Fish enough!!! They deliver straight to your door and is the most amazing quality fish at very reasonable prices.

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Sweet Potato Gnocchi

So this recipe I had to throw in, simply because everyone loves it! It’s probably a recipe that I get asked most about. It’s SO easy to make and SO delicious.  The texture is amazing, and using sweet potato instead of normal potatoes adds that extra depth of flavour.
